Psychedelic 7-Day Preparation course



 1.Watch the video

 2. Use the journal prompts to explore and expand what this lesson means for you personally. Don't feel pressure to answer every single question; put pen to paper and see where it takes you.

 3. Close with the 10-minute meditation or meditate silently on your own.

Journaling Prompts

  • When you hear the word "ceremony", what are the feelings that come up? When you think of taking part in a ceremony, how does it make you feel? Note: Be honest as there is absolutely no correct or incorrect answer.

  • Try to remember one wonderful ceremony you've enjoyed and one that was difficult or negative/boring/uninspiring. List these two events. Once you've found these two events, try to remember the mindset you were in and the setting (people around you, time of your life, weather, venue, etc) that had an effect on the outcome.

  • Do you feel that ceremony has a purpose in your current life? If not, do you think that it may be a tool you could use in the future?

What is your #1 fear surrounding being in the ceremony? It’s important to look our fear in the face in order to diffuse it and be aware of it. 

What is your #1 positive expectation of being in the ceremony? It’s also important to manage our expectations and be aware of them.